Writing Test Cases

libMariaS3 uses DDM4’s YATL library to create unit tests, this provides macros to test if the outcomes are as expected.

Adding a Test Case

Test cases are basic C applications in the tests/ directory. To add a test case to the suite. To add a test edit the include.am and add the following (replacing mytest with whatever the test is called):

t_mytest_SOURCES= tests/mytest.c
t_mytest_LDADD= src/libmarias3.la
check_PROGRAMS+= t/mytest
noinst_PROGRAMS+= t/mytest

Using YATL

YATL is needed to make sure conditions within the test program are met. To include it in your test application, add the following:

#include <yatl/lite.h>

A test skip can be added if certain conditions aren’t met:

SKIP_IF_(!is_connected, "Cannot connected to a database server")

There are many types of assert provided as can be seen in the next section, they can be used as follows:

ASSERT_EQ_(3, column, "Column count unexpected)
ASSERT_FALSE_(false_condition, "False condition is not false")
ASSERT_STREQ_("test", some_data, "Unexpected data")

YATL Library

Parameter Definitions


An expression typically used in an if statement.


An expected variable or expression


The actual variable or expression


The expected string


The actual string to compare with


The length of a string for comparison

Function Definitions


Skips the test if the expression is true

SKIP_IF_(__expression, ...)

Skips the test if the expression is true and uses a printf style format message


Make sure the expression is true, test will fail if it is false


Make sure the expression is false, test will fail if it is true

ASSERT_FALSE_(__expression, ...)

Make sure the expression is false and use a printf style format message to fail if it is true.

ASSERT_NULL_(__expression, ...)

Make sure the expression is NULL and use a printf style format message to fail if it isn’t.


Make sure the expression is not NULL, test will fail if it is NULL.

ASSERT_NOT_NULL_(__expression, ...)

Make sure the expression is not NULL and use a printf style format message to fail if it is.

ASSERT_TRUE_(__expression, ...)

Make sure the expression is true and use a printf style format message to fail if it is not.

ASSERT_EQ(__expected, __actual)

Make sure that one condition or variable matches another one.


Not suitable for string matching

ASSERT_EQ_(__expected, __actual, ...)

Make sure that one condition or variable matches another one and use a printf style format message to fail if the do not match.


Not suitable for string matching

ASSERT_NEQ(__expected, __actual)

Make sure that one condition or variable does not match another one.


Not suitable for string matching

ASSERT_NEQ_(__expected, __actual, ...)

Make sure that one condition or variable does not match another one and use a printf style format message to fail if they do match.


Not suitable for string matching

ASSERT_STREQ(__expected_str, __actual_str)

Compare one NUL terminated string with another one and fail if they do not match.

ASSERT_STREQ_(__expected_str, __actual_str, ...)

Compare one NUL terminated string with another one and use a printf style format message to fail if they do not match.

ASSERT_STREQL_(__expected_str, __actual_str, __length, ...)

Compare a string of __length to another one and use a printf style format message to fail if they do not match.


This is designed for use with non-NUL-terminated strings.

ASSERT_STRNE(__expected_str, __actual_str)

Compare one NUL terminated string with another one and fail if they match.

ASSERT_STRNE_(__expected_str, __actual_str, ...)

Compare one NUL terminated string with another one and use a printf style format message to fail if they match.